Monday, December 21, 2009

Something awesome I am doing to change our lives...

On the road to healthy living here...My DS got a Kodak Easy Share for Christmas from his Gmaw last weekend and was taking pics of such random stuff..but the one I must share with you! This is something we have been having with almost every meal for over a week now and I plan to keep serving it that often. The kids love it and so do Hubby and I.

Alright thats it for exciting spinach salad that the kids are lovin! Ok they take out the peppers but Hubby and I love them. This weeks salad I will chop them up small instead of rings...but I used my slicer to save time. <3


  1. Looks great! If I could only get my daughter to eat a salad :)

  2. That salad looks great! I would love to see some more of your random pics. I posted a recipe with roasted pork and cranberries on my site! Good healthy eats can be beautiful too!
